• Dyslexia assessments are conducted with individuals of any age when it is felt that, in view of their level of ability, they may not be progressing in a way that might be expected at school, college, university, or in their employment.


  • A formal specialist assessment may help schools in providing test results that could be used to support an application for access arrangements in examinations.


  • A full assessment is necessary for anyone intending to study a higher education course who would like to apply for a Disabled Student Allowance (DSA). The assessment needs to have been conducted by an assessor who possesses an Assessment Practising Certificate and when the applicant is over the age of 16 in order to be valid for a DSA application.


  • Adults with undiagnosed specific learning difficulties often struggle to perform to the standards expected at work. A full diagnostic assessment will ascertain the nature of their difficulties and make recommendations to support them in the workplace.




An assessment takes approximately three hours and rest breaks can be taken as often as the client wishes. With children, the assessment will be conducted on two separate occasions.


Strengths can be used to support learning and their recognition is important for self-esteem, especially when someone is seen to struggle unexpectedly.


The assessment involves using a range of tests as follows:

  • Cognitive tests are used to assess phonological skills, memory, and processing speeds. These are generally the key pointers to dyslexia.
  • For ability, verbal and visual ability skills are assessed. Strengths and weaknesses in these areas can have a significant impact on the learning process.
  • Achievement levels in reading, spelling, and writing. Maths is sometimes included.





A full diagnostic report will be prepared detailing the results of the tests along with a summary of how these can be seen to affect learning/achievement. It will also contain a list of recommendations based on the results and observations.





Before booking an assessment the pupil or client will complete a checklist and questionnaire to establish the need for an assessment and provide background and history of difficulties.


  • Full Diagnostic Assessment

This assessment will establish whether specific learning difficulties are present. The report includes a detailed analysis of the findings, recommendations, and how the strengths and weaknesses will impact on learning. Test descriptions, findings, and standardised scores provide the information required for schools and Further and Higher Education.


  • Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)

A full diagnostic assessment is required to meet the conditions of the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee; it provides evidence of your specific learning difficulty in order to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance. Once approval has been gained, the allowance may be used to provide equipment, software and study skills support to help cope with the demands of higher education.


  • Adult Assessments

This is a full diagnostic assessment, often with adults who have suspected they have a specific learning difficulty but have never had this confirmed before. Those who have been previously diagnosed may need an up to date assessment relevant to the workplace. In addition to the findings, it will help to provide guidance for the employer and employee about the range of support available to adults in the workplace.


  • Exam Access Arrangements

Most schools and colleges will have their own dyslexia specialist who can carry out the assessment.

The establishment needs to approve the use of an external assessor to carry out the assessment and complete the necessary paperwork.









The cost of a full diagnostic assessment is from £475

A deposit of 20% is payable to confirm the assessment booking.